Some Time In New York City

Front cover photo Back cover photo
Released: June 12, 1972(US) and Sept.15, 1972 (UK)
Recorded: March 1 - March 20, 1972
Produced by: John Lennon, Yoko Ono and Phil Spector
Arranged by: John Lennon and Yoko Ono
Engineered by: Roy Cicala/Danny Turbeville
Sleeve Concept by: John & Yoko, realized by Al Steckler
Sleeve Design by: Michael Gross
This CD label: EMI CDS 7 46782 8

Obal alba "Some Time in New York City" vypadá jako známé newyorské Timesy, kde jednotlivé novinové články odpovídají písním na tomto albu. Téměř všechny písně byly inspirovány skutečnými událostmi té doby, které si čtenáři tenkrát mohli přečíst v novinách - boj Angely Davis za lidská práva, povstání vězňů v Attice, střelba do demonstrantů, zatčení Johna Sinclaira atd. Seznam jednotlivých stop na prvním albu napovídá,že Yoko se podílela téměř na všech písních a stejně jako mnohem později u Double Fantasy či Milk And Honey se její písně pravidelně střídají s Johnovými. První dvě písně z druhého alba jsou záznamem živého vystoupení Johna, Yoko a Franka Zappy, které se konalo 15.prosince 1969 v londýnském Lyceum Ballroom na koncertě Peace For Christmas(mimo jiné si zde zahrál i George Harrison). Zatímco závěrečné jamování při Cold Turkey se celkem dá poslouchat tak u Don´t Worry Kyoko(trvá 16 minut!) se budete zřejmě těšit na konec skladby. Další písně(3-6) jsou sestřihem části vystoupení Johna a Yoko s Frankem Zappou a jeho Mothers Of Invention v sále Fillmore East v New Yorku 6.června 1971.
Kritika tento společný projekt Johna a Yoko nemilosrdně strhala a téměř všichni se shodují v tom, že toto album patří ke slabším produktům Johna Lennona. Také početná obec Johnových fanoušků toto album nepřijala, a tak se toto dílko, nedlouho po svém vydání, brzy ocitlo v regálech výprodejů.
Videonahrávky z tohoto vystoupení(i když v příšerné kvalitě) můžete shlédnout na serveru John Lennon&Frank Zappa-Baby Please Don´t Go(live) a John Lennon&Frank Zappa-Scumbag(live)(04:59)

To Know Him Is To Love Him

Highest U.S. chart position

Track Listing

  1. Woman Is The Nigger Of The World {Lennon/Yoko Ono} (5:16)
  2. Sisters, O Sisters {Yoko Ono} (3:48)
  3. Attica State {Lennon/Yoko Ono} (2:55)
  4. Born In A Prison {Yoko Ono} (4:05)
  5. New York City {Lennon} (4:31)
  6. Sunday Bloody Sunday {Lennon/Yoko Ono} (5:02)
  7. The Luck Of The Irish {Lennon/Yoko Ono}(2:59)
  8. John Sinclair {Lennon} (3:30)
  9. Angela {Lennon/Yoko Ono} (4:07)
  10. We're All Water {Yoko Ono} (7:11)

  • CD 1 total playing time 43:24

Disc One Performers:
John Lennon and Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band
with Elephant's Memory and The Invisible Strings

John Lennon - lead vocal, guitar, slide guitar(8)
Yoko Ono - lead vocal, drums
Jim Keltner - drums, percussion
Stan Bronstein - saxophone, flute
Richard Frank, Jr. - drums, percussion
Gary Van Scyoc - bass
Adam Ippolito - piano, organ
Wayne 'Tex' Gabriel - guitar
John Las Bosca - piano on (4)

BONUS DISC TWO   (Live jam)
  1. Cold Turkey {Lennon} (8:35)
  2. Don´t Worry Kyoko {Yoko Ono} (16:00)
  3. Well...(Baby Please Don't Go) {Walter Ward}(4:40)
  4. Jamrag {Lennon/Yoko Ono} (5:36)
  5. Scumbag {Lennon/Yoko Ono/Frank Zappa} (4:27)
  6. Au {Lennon/Yoko Ono} (8:02)

  • CD 2 total playing time 47:20

Disc Two Performers:

Tracks 1 & 2 recorded live December 15, 1969
at The Lyceum Ballroom, London, England
John Lennon and Yoko Ono
with The Plastic Ono Supergroup

John Lennon - lead vocal on track 1, guitar
Yoko Ono - lead vocal on track 2, bag
Jim Gordon, Keith Moon, Alan White - drums
George Harrison - guitar
Eric Clapton - guitar
Klaus Voormann - bass
Bobby Keys - saxophone
Nicky Hopkins - electric piano (overdubbed)
Billy Preston - organ
Delaney & Bonnie - percussion, guitars, brass

Tracks 3-6 recorded live June 6, 1971
at The Fillmore East, New York, NY
John Lennon and Yoko Ono
with Frank Zappa and The Mothers Of Invention

John Lennon - lead vocal, guitar
Yoko Ono - bag, vocal
Frank Zappa - guitar, dialog
Howard Kaylan, Mark Volman - vocals
Ian Underwood - winds, keyboard
Aynsley Dunbar - drums
Jim Pons - bass
Bob Harris - second keyboard
Don Preston - mini Moog
Klaus Voormann - overdubbed bass on
"Well...(Baby Please Don't Go)"

Woman Is The Nigger Of The World
John Lennon & Yoko Ono

Woman is the nigger of the world
Yes she is...think about it
Woman is the nigger of the world
Think about something about it.

We make her paint her face and dance
If she won't be a slave, we say that she don't love us
If she's real, we say she's trying to be a man
While putting her down we pretend so hard that she's above us.

Woman is the nigger of the world...yes she is
If you don't believe me, take a look at the one you're with
Woman is the slave of the slaves
Ah yeah...better scream about it!

We make her bear and raise our children
And then we leave her flat for being a fat old mother hen
We tell her home is the only place she should be
Then we complain that she's too unworldly to be our friend.

Woman is the nigger of the world...yeah she is
If you don´t believe me, take a look at the one you're with
Woman is the slave to the slaves
Yeah all right!

We insult her ev´ry day on TV
And wonder why she has no guts or confidence
When she´s young we kill her will to be free
While telling her not to be so smart we put her down for being so dumb

Oh well woman is the nigger of the world...yes she is
If you don't believe me, take a look at the one you're with
Woman is the slave to the slaves...yes she is
If you believe me, you better scream all about it!

We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance

©Chappell Music Ltd

Sisters, O Sisters
Yoko Ono

"Male chauvinist pig engineer!"
"Right on, sister!"

We lost our green land
We lost our clean air
We lost our true wisdom
And we live in despair.

O sisters, O sisters
Lets stand up right now
It's never too late
To start from the start

O Wisdom, O Wisdom
That's what we ask for
And yes, my dear sisters
We must learn to ask.

Wisdom, O Wisdom
That's what we ask for
That's what we live for now
O Wisdom, O Wisdom
That's what we ask for
That's what we live for now.

O sisters, O sisters
Let's wake up right now
It's never too late
To shout from our hearts

Freedom, O Freedom
That's what we fight for
And yes, my dear sisters
We must learn to fight.

Freedom, O Freedom
That's what we ask for
That's what we live for now
Freedom, O Freedom
That's what we ask for
That's what we live for now

Sisters, O sisters
Let's give up no more
It's never too late
To build a new world
O New world, O New world
That's what we live for
And yes, my dear sisters
We must learn to live

New world, O New world
That's what we live for
That's what we must now learn to build

New world, O New world
That's what we live for
That's what we must now learn to build

New world, O New world
That's what we live for
That's what we must now learn to build

New world, O New world
That's what we live for
That's what we must learn to build

©Chappel Music Ltd.

Attica State
John Lennon & Yoko Ono

What a waste of human power
What a waste of human lives
Shoot the prisoners in the towers
Forty-three poor widowed wives.

Attica State, Attica State, we're all mates with Attica State.

Media blames it on the prisoners
But the prisoners did not kill
"Rockefeller pulled the trigger"
That is what the people feel.

Attica State, Attica State, we're all mates with Attica State.

Free the prisoners, jail the judges
Free all prisoners everywhere
All they want is truth and justice
All they need is love and care.

Attica State, Attica State, we're all mates with Attica State.

They all live in suffocation
Let's not watch them die in sorrow
Now's the time for revolution
Give them all a chance to grow.

Attica State, Attica State, we're all mates with Attica State.

Come together join the movement
Take a stand for human rights
Fear and hatred clouds our judgement
Free us all from endless night.

Attica State, Attica State, we're all mates with Attica State.

Attica State, Attica State, we all live in Attica State.

Attica State, Attica State, Attica, Attica, Attica State.

©Chappell Music Ltd.

Born In A Prison
Yoko Ono

We're born in a prison
Raised in a prison
Sent to a prison called school.

We cry in a prison
We love in a prison
We dream in a prison like fools.

Wood becomes a flute when it's loved
Reach for yourself and your battered mates
Mirror becomes a razor when it's broken
Look in the mirror and see your shattered fate.

We live with no reason
Kicked around for no reason
Thrown out without reason like tools.

We work in a prison
And hate in a prison
And die in a prison as a rule.

Wood becomes a flute when it's loved
Reach for yourself and your battered mates
Mirror becomes a razor when it's broken
Look in the mirror and see your shattered fate.

We live in a prison
Among judges and wardens
And wait for no reason for you
We laugh in a prison
Go through all four seasons
And die with no vision of truth.

Wood becomes a flute when it's loved
Reach for yourself and your battered mates
Mirror becomes a razor when it's broken
Look in the mirror and see your shattered fate.

Born in a prison!
Born in a prison!
Born in a prison..

©Chappell Music Ltd.

New York City
John Lennon

Standing on the corner
Just me and Yoko Ono
We was waiting for Jerry to land
Up come a man with a guitar in his hand
Singing, "Have a marijuana if you can"
His name was David Peel and we found that he was real
He sang, "The Pope smokes dope every day"
Up come a policeman shoved us up the street
Singing, "Power to the people today!"

New York City...New York City...New York City
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?

Well down to Max's Kansas City
Got down the nitty gritty
With the Elephants Memory Band
Laid something down
As the news spread around
About the Plastic Ono Elephants Memory Band!
Well we played some funky boogie
And laid some tutti frutti
Singing, "Long Tall Sally's a man."
Up come a preacherman trying to be a teacher
Singing, "God's a red herring in drag!"

New York City...New York City...New York City
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?

Hey New York City!
Alright New York City!
New York City!
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?

Well we did the Staten Island Ferry
Making movies for the telly
Played the Fillmore and Apollo for freedom
Tried to shake our image
Just a cycling through the Village
But found that we had left it back in London
Well nobody came to bug us
Hustle us or shove us
So we decided to make it our home
If the Man wants to shove us out
We gonna jump and shout
The Statue of Liberty said, "Come!"

New York City...New York City...New York City
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?

New York City...back in New York City...New York City
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?
Ass City

Down in the Village
Yeah what a city!
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?
Yeah wellcome!

Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?

Hey what a bad bad city!
Bad-ass city!
Bad-ass city!
Que pasa, New York?
Que pasa, New York?
Hey city, city!

©Northern Songs Ltd.

Sunday Bloody Sunday
John Lennon & Yoko Ono

Well it was Sunday bloody Sunday
When they shot the people there
The crys of thirteen martyrs
Filled the Free Derry air
Is there any one amongst you
Dare to blame it on the kids?
Not a soldier boy was bleeding
When they nailed the coffin lids!

Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day!

You claim to be majority
Well you know that it's a lie
You're really a minority
On this sweet emerald isle
When Stormont bans our marches
They've got a lot to learn
Internment is no answer
It's those mothers' turn to burn!

Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day!
Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day!

You anglo pigs and scotties
Sent to colonize the North
You wave your bloody Union Jacks
And you know what it's worth!
How dare you hold to ransom
A people proud and free
Keep Ireland for the Irish
Put the English back to sea!

Sunday, bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day!
Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day!

Well it's always bloody Sunday
In the concentration camps
Keep Falls Road free forever
From the bloody English hands
Repatriate to Britain
All of you who call it home
Leave Ireland to the Irish
Not for London or for Rome!

Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day!
Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day...

©Chappell Music Ltd.

The Luck Of The Irish
John Lennon& Yoko Ono

If you had the luck of the Irish
You'd be sorry and wish you were dead
You should have the luck of the Irish
And you'd wish you was English instead!

A thousand years of torture and hunger
Drove the people away from their land
A land full of beauty and wonder
Was raped by the British brigands! Goddamned!

If you could keep voices like flowers
There'd be shamrock all over the world
If you could drink dreams like Irish streams
Then the world would be high as the mountain of morn.

In the 'Pool they told us the story
How the English divided the land
Of the pain, the death and the glory
And the poets of auld Eireland

If we could make chains with the morning dew
The world would be like Galway Bay
Let's walk over rainbows like leprechauns
The world would be one big Blarney stone

Why the hell are the English there anyway?
As they kill with God on their side
Blame it all on the kids and the IRA
As the bastards commit genocide! Aye! Aye!

If you had the luck of the Irish
You'd be sorry and wish you was dead
You should have the luck of the Irish
And you'd wish you was English instead!
Yes you'd wish you was English instead!

©Chappell Music Ltd.

John Sinclair
John Lennon

It ain't fair, John Sinclair
In the stir for breathing air
Won't you care for John Sinclair?
In the stir for breathing air
Let him be, set him free
Let him be like you and me.

They gave him ten for two
What else can the judges do?
Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta
gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta
Gotta, gotta set him free!

If he'd been a soldier man
Shooting gooks in Vietnam
If he was the CIA
Selling dope and making hay
He'd be free, they'd let him be
Breathing air, like you and me

They gave him ten for two
What else can the judges do?
Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta
gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta
Gotta, gotta set him free!

They gave him ten for two
They got Ali Otis too.
Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta
gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta
gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta set him free, now!

Was he jailed for what he done
Or representing everyone?
Free John now, if we can
From the clutches of the man
Let him be, lift the lid
Bring him home to his wife and kids
All right!

They gave him ten for two
What else can the bastards do?
Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta
gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta
Gotta, gotta set him free, free!

©Northern Songs Ltd.

John Lennon & Yoko Ono

Angela, they put you in prison
Angela, they shot down your man
Angela, you´re one of the millions of political prisoners in the world.

Sister, there's a wind that never dies
Sister, we're breathing together
Sister, our love and hopes forever keep on moving oh so slowly ´round the world.

They gave you sunshine
They gave you sea
They gave you everything but the jailhouse key.
They gave you coffee
They gave you tea
They gave you everything but equality.

Angela, can you hear the earth is turning?
Angela, the world watches you
Angela, you soon will be returning to your sisters and brothers in the world.

Sister, you're still a people teacher
Sister, your word reaches far
Sister, there's a million different races but we all share the same future in the world.

They gave you sunshine
They gave you sea
They gave you everything but the jailhouse key
They gave you coffee
They gave you tea
They gave you ev´rything but equality.

Angela, they put you in prison
Angela, they shot down your man
Angela, you're one of the millions of political prisoners in the world.

©Lenono Music Ltd.

We´re All Water
Yoko Ono

There may not be much diff´rence
Between Chairman Mao and Richard Nixon
If we strip them naked.

There may not be much diff´rence
Between Marilyn Monroe and Lenny Bruce
If we check their coffins.

There may not be much diff´rence
Between White House and Hall of People
If we count their windows.

There may not be much diff´rence
Between Raquel Welch and Jerry Rubin
If we hear their heartbeat.

We're all water from diff´rent rivers
That's why it's so easy to meet
We're all water in this vast, vast ocean
Someday we'll evaporate together.

There may not be much diff´rence
Between Eldrige Cleaver and Queen of England
If we bottle their tears.

There may not be much diff´rence
Between Manson and the Pope
If we press their smile.

There may not be much diff´rence
Between Rockefeller and you
If we hear you sing.

There may not be much diff´rence
Between you and me
If we show our dreams.

We're all water from diff´rent rivers
That's why it's so easy to meet
We're all water in this vast, vast ocean
Someday we'll evaporate together.

What's the diff´rence?
What's the difference?
What´s, what´s, what´s?

There's no diff´rence!
There's no diff´rence!
What's the diff´rence?

What´s the diff´ence?

©Chappell Music Ltd.

Cold Turkey
(Recorded live at London´s Lyceum Ballroom 15 December 1969)
John Lennon

"We´d like to do a number
This song is about pain."

Temperature's risin´
Fever is high
Can't see no future
Can't see no sky.

My feet are so heavy
So is my head
I wish I was a baby
I wish I was dead.

Cold turkey has got me on the run.

My body is aching
Goose-pimple bone
Can't see no body
Leave me alone.

My eyes are wide open
Can´t get to sleep
One thing I´m sure of
I'm in at the deep freeze.

Cold turkey has got me on the run.

Cold turkey has got me one the run.

Thirty-six hours
Rolling in pain
Prayin´ to someone
Free me again.

Oh I'll be a good boy
Please make me well
I promise you anything
Get me out of this hell.

Well cold turkey has got me on the run.


©Northern Songs Ltd.

Don´t Worry, Kyoko
(Recorded live at London´s Lyceum Ballroom 15 December 1969)
Yoko Ono

John, I love you!
Britain, you killed Hanratty, you murderer!
You killed Hanratty!
Hanratty, Hanratty, Hanratty!

Kyoko, Kyoko, Kyoko, Kyoko...

Don´t worry, don´t worry, don´t worry, don´t worry...

©Chappell Music Ltd.

Well (Baby, Please Don't Go)
(Recorded live at New York's Fillmore East, 6 June 1971)
Walter Ward

This is a song I used to sing when I was in Cavern in Liverpool
I haven´t done it since so...

You know I love you, baby, please don´t go, well, well
You know I love you, baby, please don´t go, well, well
You know I love you, honey child
There´s nothing that I wouldn´t do for you at night
You know I love you, baby, please don´t go, well.

You know I love you, baby, please don´t go
You know I love you, baby, please don´t go
You know I love you, honey child
Nothing I wouldn´t do for you at night
You know I love you, baby, please don´t go, well.


You know I want you, baby, please don´t go, well, well
You know I want you, baby, please don´t go
You know I love you, honey child
There´s nothing that I wouldn´t do for you right now
You know I want you, baby, please don´t go, well.

Well you know I love you, baby, please don´t go, well
You know I love you, baby, please don´t go
You know I love you, honey child
Nothing that I wouldn´t do for you right now
I know I love you, baby, please don´t go, well, well.

©Ardmore&Beechwood Ltd/EMI

(Recorded live at New York's Fillmore East, 6 June 1971)
John Lennon, Yoko Ono & Frank Zappa

Scumbag! Scumbag! Scumbag! Scumbag!...

"Hey, listen! I don´t know whether you can tell what the words are to this song but there´s only two of them and I´d like to have you sing along ´cause it´s really easy.
Anybody who comes to the Fillmore East can sing this song.
The name of the song is 'Scumbag'. Okay? And all you gotta do is sing 'Scumbag'.
Right on, brothers and sisters, let´s hear it for the 'Scumbag'!"

Scumbag! Scumbag! Scumbag! Scumbag!...

Scumbag, baby
Scumbag, baby (scumbag, baby)
Scumbag, baby (scumbag, baby)
Scumbag (scumbag, baby)
Scumbag (scumbag, baby)
Scumbag! Scumbag! Scumbag! Scumbag!...

"Good night, boys and girls."

©Lenono Music Ltd/Frank Zappa Music
