Released: 1990
"Cold Turkey" is an early live demo. from 1969. "Send Me Some Loving" is rendered solo by Lennon with acoustic guitar accompaniment "Down In Cuba", a previously unreleased song which John performs in his inimitable latin-american way. "Instant Karma" was recorded live in New York.
JOhn Lennon, Ringo Starr, Klaus Voorman, Phil Spector, Allen Ginsberg and others are heard partying in a hotel room in Syracuse. Inebriated renditions of "Blue Suede Shoes" and "Give Peace A Chance" resulted at this gathering.
On the next song John and Ringo via alter egos perform at "Chi-Chi´s Cafe" (a bit of impromptu lunacy from the sixties)
The next song is a live rehearsal with "The Elephants Memory Band". The Dylan connection is explored again this time around with the folk standard "Corrina, Corrina". John rendition is apparently based on the arrangements used on "The Freewheelin´ Bob Dylan". Another of John´s many "Serve Yourself" takes is next. The last track is a father son collaboration.